How do you know if some tissue contains cancer-cells? How can you make them visible? How can you locate those cells, to destroy them later?
Those questions were lain down before us. Two students from the University Leiden came to our high school and gave a short college and a practicum. Really interesting.
We had to put a fluorisenting liquid on the cells, which will show the structure of the cell so we could see if it was a cancer-cell or not. And it was. Simply great.
And how did it affect my vision on the University?
- First, I learned that you have much more cool stuff on the University. They brought a special microscope, simply fantastic.
- That even if you study Medicine, you can learn a lot about DNA and how to show it. This guy studies Medicine, and this is his side-job. So instead of working at the McDonalds, he worked for the University and gives presentations at high schools, pretty awesome!
- When you study on a University, you learn to presentate even better. These guys just explained some really hard topics, and they made it understandeble. Of course, they did it a couple of times before, but they have a really easy way how they present the topic and themselves.
- I know now that University is going to be great. Of course, I already knew it, but I'm even more sure. It is going to be great, if I see those guys, I really look forward to become like them, really.
I learned a lot about biology, but also about the University, so I think it was a afternoon well spend!
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